If at any time you are dissatisfied with our product, service or attitude, call us and we will make it right. Life is way to short to walk around with a scowl on your face and brain. We rely on word of mouth to get more business and if you don’t like you experience here, you are more likely to tell 3x more people than if the experience was satisfying.

What I do ask is if you have any issue, you call us first. Don’t bitch about it on the web without first contacting me. When you call, there are only two people, Gina (wife of 25+ years and best friend) and me, Steve. The puppy hasn’t learned to answer the phone.

I promise you that I will make it right. If I have to take back half the product and give a full refund, I will do it.

You can call me at any time, 7 days a week, at (972) 424-7958 or email steve(at)turningwood.com

We want you to be happy to deal with us!